Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Little Buddy

Okay, so we had our Easy Bake Oven class.   Let me tell you that it is not as easy as it appears.  You have to be meticulous when loading the pan and then when it's finished baking, make sure that you get the pan into the cooling chamber, etc.  Nonetheless, my little buddy had lots of fun.  He decided to make a chocolate chip cake with fudge frosting.  I forgot to take a pic of the finished project because he was so excited and ready to eat it as soon as it had cooled enough to come out of the pan.  But, here's what I got:

And, then we enjoyed another one of his Christmas gifts.

And, then later, it looked like this:

A good time was had by all.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Let's Make A Cake

This week, my precious grandson, is here from Mississippi visiting with us, while he is on his Christmas break from school.  Before I did my Christmas shopping, I had called him to see what he wanted for Christmas this year.   Every year, he never asks for a lot and is always so happy with whatever.  So, I solicited help from  his mother, who said, do you know what he REALLY wants?  An Easy Bake Oven...yep, that's right, my boy wants to make a cake.  Come to found out, his little sister, had gotten one for her birthday in November, and she was doing all the cooking, and eating, I might add, and he wanted to cook and eat, too.  Well, I saw no problem in getting him one.  Some of the best chefs are men - my husband included, as were my Dad and my brother.  And, you know, those ovens weren't easy to find.  Had to order it online directly from Hasbro Toys, and I ordered extra cake mixes, cookie mixes, frostings, etc.  So, today, I'm headed home to make a rainbow cake with vanilla frosting with my special little buddy. 

Maybe, tomorrow, I'll share a picture of our cake!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Remembering Janice

Janice Faye Fortenberry Jackson:

Today would have been my Mama's baby sister's birthday. 

Janice was Grandma Nadine's baby daughter.  Grandma and Grandaddy doted on her.  She got sick her senior in high school with what they thought was rheumatic fever but later on in years, it was found that she had lupus, and that ruled the way that she lived her life.  She married Frank, and they had one child, a son, Kevin, whom was her life.  Many of my teenaged years, I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time at Janice's house.  She made the best mashed potatoes and creamed style corn and of course old fashioned egg pie that I ever tasted.  She died at the age of 38, too young, when Kevin was only sixteen.  She never got to see her son grow up and become a man.  As the mother of sons, I hate that for her.  Now, she has two beautiful granddaughters that she never got to meet.  She would be so proud of the man, the husband, the daddy her son has become. 

Sweet Janice - you are still missed.   

My Very First Blog

For some reason or another, today, I decided to create myself a blog.  I used to love to write and used to find that writing was my best way of communicating when I couldn't bring myself to speak openly orally with someone.  I used to leave notes for my mother when I would go to school.  I remember my Daddy bringing me note pads home from his work, and I would just doodle and write a lot of nothing, but I loved scribbling.  I was always a reader - loved giving and receiving cards, but usually none that were funny, but rather ones that were full of words that held meaning for me at that particular time.  I remember growing up loving to receive a letter in the mail from my sister, Patsy (you'll hear more about that later).  And, even later, remember writing my ex-husband letters to express my feelings of distress.  Once upon a time, I was in a place where written communication was my ONLY communication.  Wow, how important the written word does become. 

I'm not really writing this for anyone but me.  It will be my therapy.  If you find words that are of interest to you, great.  If not, that's okay, too. 

So, here's to blogging.  You go, girl!